Android not charging battery
I had just downloaded the 3.10.10 zip of android to try for the first time last night.
The battery was fairly discharged but seemed to be working.
I noticed on point I plugged it in to charge and didnt indicate it was charging anything but the orange light was on so I thought it was.
Later I disconnected it for about 30 mins and came back and reconnected it after noticing the battery indicator was not running.
Showed it was charging. I started playing frozen bubble and after a good 15 minutes the screen went blank.
The led was still on and no responce. Not even the reset worked. So I unplugged took out the battery and waited about 10 seconds and pluged the battery back in. BRICK.
Now this is with the extended battery. I still had my standard battery and it worked just fine.
I waited another minute to two and tried the extended battery again. Working fine now and recharged in windows.
Now I don't know how this glitched. It wasn't a thermal shutdown because it was barely warm. I have no explaination but makes me think I shouldn't charge with droid just yet.
Last edited by coolsilver; 03-13-2010 at 12:17 PM.