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Old 03-13-2010, 06:45 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - Mar 11 2

I think the single biggest determinant of battery life is signal. I've made some posts about my battery lasting 36 hours. Thats on days that I am mostly at home and in a good signal area. I also have an Airave at home so I have 100% signal inside my house. The phone is not constantly searching for a signal. (does your phone ever get hot while you are NOT talking on it?)
On other days I'm getting down to 40% after about 15 hours of use while I'm at work. However, when I work in ICU which has some areas of hevy sheilding due to its proximity to xray and MRI, I may have to change out my battery before the end of the shift or be down to 20 or so %. So a lot has to do with signal.

Theres ways of improving that though. Other carriers radios seem to make a difference and there is a whole thread about it in the main TP section. I'm on Sprint but have found that the newer verizon radio seems to work better.

All in al though, from my experience, Catbon Root seems to have the best overall battery life for me and how I use my phone. Its also one of the "fastest" feeling ROMS as well. YMMV though.

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