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Old 03-10-2010, 10:47 AM
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Touch Pro that keeps restarting.

Last night I was at a concert and sent a few text then the concert got good so I stopped touching my phone. At the end of the concert I grabbed my phone and noticed it was off. When I attempted to turn it on it just vibrated like every 3 seconds over and over but the screen never turned on. I pulled the battery and tried again with the same result. This happened for about an hour. I finally attempted to boot it while holding the reset key. Upon doing so the phone actually booted but the second I let go of the reset button the phone would stop booting and would do the vibrate every 3 seconds. Next I tried leaving the battery out for a 20minutes and tried booting it. It booted about halfway then shutoff and went to the vibrate every 3 seconds. So next time I left the battery out for about an hr. The phone booted and I thought maybe it was fixed. It then began just randomly rebooting sometimes after 30 seconds of booting up sometimes 5minutes after booting up. So I took the battery out for the night and figured I would put it back in in the morning and hopefully it would be fine. Now it is morning and I have put the battery in the phone boots up and seems to work ok but the second the phone goes to turn the screen off it reboots every time.

Now I have a few questions about this.

Anyone ever heard of this happening and can it be fixed?

The important questions.
I modded the rom and am running energy rom, Sprint is currently allowing its customers to add the insurance on there phones but I don't know if first they will allow me to get it because I purchased the phone from ebay and not them. Second will they cover my phone seeing as it doesn't have stock rom.

1 post I read with an issue saying the phone kept restarting said the battery was the issue. I have 3 batteries and tested it did not fix it.
Also I am affraid to attempt to flash the rom incase it rebooted in the middle of it.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by Nessun; 03-10-2010 at 10:52 AM. Reason: adding more info
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