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Old 03-09-2010, 10:26 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - Sense 2.1/2.5 Landscape - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - Mar 08 2

Originally Posted by botnryan View Post
Whats your guys' tricks to getting freakin 36 hours of battery life?!?! mines been unplugged for 2 hours and its at 70% on the newest DarkRoot.
I mentioned a couple things that I do such as manual weather updates, etc.
Today wasn't as good as the other day. On since 5am and I'm at 15%. However, I had several long calls today, lots of texting and I worked in a heavilly shielded part of the hospital so my battery life suffered a bit. There were a few times that I knew it was searching for a signal because I could feel the hot phone on my waist.

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