Originally Posted by blockhead428
Is there any way to change the color scheme of everything? You know how a lot of things are highlighted in green? Is there a way to change that to red or blue or anything? Thanks for the help!
For right now no.....I've been fighting with theme issues for a while. (blurry icons in the start menu.
Originally Posted by extremesg
real quick, i opened it via my cell ..and i see a pagepool changer in there...does installing it thru my laptop automatically going to change the pagepool? is there a recommendation to the pagepool we should set or can i jus leave that alone and itll be fine? never changed my pagepool so kinda new at this. thanks for any help!
It always pops up. I cooked it at a 16mb page pool you can change it if you want to if not just close that menu and the flash will start. I bumped mine up to 24 when I flashed to my phone. Works fine......Pretty fast. But, 16mb will do you fine. Unless you have a Verizon TP then you should drop it to 0