Originally Posted by accessing
Twisted are you going with the three versions or two? How's these for names:
Twisted Stuffed Sense, Twisted Good Sense, Twisted Senseless?
Btw, I am looking forward to your next release. At first I wasn't going to flash again because everything works for me. But I came to my senses realizing that would very selfish of me to stop flashing because everything works. I mean with that attitude I might as well flash back to stock and relock my phone. So save a seat for me i'm in for the ride!!
Probably 2 versions.
Of course the main version Good Sense. (I've already named it that)
and I like Senseless but, someone may think that it doesn't have manila Sense in it.
Probably Sense Lite
Hopefully everyone will feel the need to flash this one. Like I said I am hoping to fix almost everything that I can.
I am struggling with another issue.........I can't find Clear Storage to add it back in...............Do you know what the native prog name is?