Originally Posted by gorocket1981
Any tricks?? You are really lucky!
Actually I do have a few tricks.
First, Signal. I have an Airave in my house so my phone is not constantly searching for a signal.
I have set my weather and location services to check for updates every 6 hours and disabled updates while roaming. I sync my calendar and email manually rather than a set schedule. This is probably the most important as far as saving battery.
Screen brightness on battery is set to auto. (I think that root has that as a default.)
Radio: I usually flash the Verizon radio but hadn't done so yet as the sprint radio is giving good battery life. I may try that later though.
Battery: I never really let it get below 25% on average. I carry a spare battery just in case. I have disabled "Fast Charge" too.
BTW, I just checked and I'm at 48%. =D>
Hope that helps some.