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Old 03-04-2010, 06:27 PM
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Re: Battery draining, dont know why?

Originally Posted by ebor View Post
I've been trying to take an analytical look at the battery consumption issue. Using the acbPowerMeter I posted earlier, I have been adding and removing applications; turning applications on and off and changing settings. For instance I tried turning off and on BT and then I tried turning the discovery off and on in BT. After hours of trying these things my conclusion is except for transmitting, it's that big display that soaks up the power. I loaded psShutXP and used the Display Off soft button that pops up. The power consumption goes down so dramatically that I though it shut everything down. But it doesn't. Power consumption goes under 10ma average. Still receives mail, text and calls. You can see the blips of increased consumption when those events occur and then then goes back down dramatically. Those people having battery issues may want to try psShutXP and see if that helps any. Those of you that are looking at BT issues I would load the power meter and see if the theories your working on are valid. There are probably different issues causing the problems based on what apps are loaded. This is just one obvious one.
I suddenly noticed a very steep battery consumption when I turned the phone on this morning. I have been installing cabs each day since I got the phone last week, but before this, I have been getting about 2 days out of a charge. I have been running it down to about 5% before an overnight re-charge.

Not sure what caused the sudden steep drop and kicking myself for not noting the nominal mA rate when everything seemed fine. But now I see average discharge rates around 200mA when nothing is running and the screen is on. I changed from "Global" to "CDMA Only", but that did not appear to do anything.

I just installed acbPowerMeter, so I will also do some experiments to see what is affecting consumption and report back.
HTC Touch Pro 2, Verizon
MightyROM RhodiumW CDMA 2/10/10
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