Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant
Honestly, I am not too fond of locking threads. To me, its the same as taking away someone's right to free speech. People are going to complain either way and I tend to leave forums once too many threads have been locked.
Why not make a forum specifically for rants and move the threads that get out of hand to that forum with a link to it from the initial forum it came from? This way, people that don't want to see it don't have to and people that do want to see it still can. Immaturity goes both ways. People should be mature enough not to start something in the first place but on the flipside, people should also be mature enough to ignore it once it gets out of hand.
I've run my own forum for about 3 years now and having a rant forum keeps drama to a minimum and allows people who want to participate to do so.
Now that's constructive critisizum, thanks for your suggestion, I might have more questions for you but first what forum do you run I would like a read.