Originally Posted by xmln3x@gmail.com
Well... I tried an agps fix with no luck there. So I said screw it and did a dual flash dance... and so far.. I'm able to get a fix on google maps... as well as receive email automatically... However... at this point, I was able to get my weather to update right after flashing, and now it will not update anymore.... So we'll see... if you figure it out.. lemme know man.. this is driving me insane!
Have you tried to install your carrier cab? I only ask because I have noticed that this seems to be primarily an Alltel Issue. Well not Alltel exactly but Alltel users are about the only ones with this issue.
Originally Posted by MustangTerry
Two days in and loving it. Had to search a bit for the option to wipe memory (hard reset).
A hard reset: volume down, power button, soft reset button, and enter button all at the same time. Hold it until the wipe device screen shows up.
Originally Posted by skeezerk
I have had this problem with 2 other Roms with the landscape feature added. I text to much so I cannot use this awesome rom, just because of this
I know you've probably been asked this several times. And I only ask because I haven't seen the problem before.
Have you done the flashdance? (Flash Stock ROM, Hard Reset, and flash My ROM again)