Apparently, it was a prob on Sprint's side. After 4 calls, I'd gotten a rep that knew their $h1...uhh, stuff. Some braniac unconscientiously'd given me Vision, as opposed to PowerVision. ::shrug:: Go figure. Ya'd think that the last 3 reps'd noticed "Power" missing from "Vision" if I'd said I have a FRICKIN' "POWERVISION" plan. If I were payin' for it I'd be EVER SO P1$$3D! But, it's all groove. Anyway, C, I'd advise ya t'do the same. Peace, Pimpin'.
BTW, I'd gone from ~110kbps @ 5 bar 1xRTT to ~380kbps @ 2 bar EVDO. Need I say more?... (If so, IMAGINE what it'd be like at 5 bars. ::chucklin' like an adolescent schoolgirl (in Japan
):: )
Oh, yeah! 'Still runnin' Rob Mayer's WM6b7...delicious.