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Old 02-15-2010, 07:35 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 28014 | 2/9/

Originally Posted by rhacy View Post

ppatel87, check out my post on page 320 of this thread and some of the posts just after it. There are some excellent tips on how to manage main storage using ClearTemp (freeware), as well as moving files, etc...

Best to all,
here are the posts, I'm gonna add to post # 2

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
For those of you having trouble with space, go here and download mobile mogner. It will give a visual 'map' of what's taking up space on main memory. I use it to find caches that can be deleted. HTCAlbum will make a pretty large cache if you use it to look at facebook albums. It downloads a lot of thumbnails and pictures to Application Data. Mobile monger will run fine from internal storage too. Also, you can change opera mobile's cache to internal storage (have to search for how...I can't remember).

*edit - I didn't realize that the new version of mobile monger costs money. I have attached the free version from calc's kitchen. Just copy the .exe to internal storage and run the .exe on your phone.

Originally Posted by rhacy View Post
Cubbieswin, did you install Bing to Internal Storage? If not, uninstall it, and reinstall to Internal Storage. Once you install it there, go into Bing's settings and make sure to check the "Cache to Storage Card" box. This will save you much more main storage space in the long run.

Also, if you use Google Maps, it will take up more and more Main Storage space over time, even if installed to Internal Storage. This is due to it storing your user data to the Main Storage Application Data\Google Maps Folder. For that reason alone, I use Bing instead of Google Maps with the Diamond and Sense 2.5 for the most part. Please note that you can set up ClearTemp, in it's main settings area, to clean specific folders. In turn, you can have it clean the Google Maps Application Data Folder if needed. Plus, you can have it clean the Application Data\HTC\Album\Cache as well as Application Data\HTC\Prolauncher Folder or another folder that loads up with data, like mwalt2 stated. This will help save precious space as well. Further, if you're still running low on Main Storage, make sure to have all email attachments set to be stored on Internal Storage as well as all images including videos, pictures, etc... You can also move wallpapers there too.

LIke OMJ said, Sense 2.5 is not meant for the Diamond, so you're going to have to move things and manage your available storage much more. Here, I load around hundred extra programs and games, push everything possible to Internal Storage, use ClearTemp, SKtools, and MemMaid to manage the system resources, and am able keep 10MB's to 14MB's of Main Storage free with OMJ's Sense 2.5 ROMs.

Hope this helps...

Moreover, thanks again OMJ for all the great cooking work, and thank you mwalt2 for posting the MobileMonger zip as well as all your other helpful posts. Cheers!
Best to all,
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