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Old 01-06-2008, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Peteman100 View Post
With the stock HTC keyboard, I was able to add recipients to my text messages by typing the first letter into the "TO" box and then scrolling through my contacts. However, I don't seem to be able to do this using the Touchpal keyboard. I type the letter and nothing happens. How do other Touchpal users all deal with this?

I dont' SMS very much so I may be missing your point here...but witht he TouchPal if you'll notice the default setting is to provide the predictive results just above the keyboard instead of "inline" in the blank you want to be typing the contact name.

There are 2 possible solutions, if I understand you correctly....

1) You can type a portion of the name you want and then select the partial word by clicking on it just above the keyboard. That will copy the text into the blank...

2) If you go under the help/options tab on th keyboard you'll see an option to "Display default wor candidate inline". This will actually turn on the typing in the "To" field as you type the characters. Keep in mind, though, that you'll probably want to use the Precise text entry mode. Can can either select precise mode in the options menu which will turn it on all the time, or you can simply swipe each letter completely as you type it so the predictive text doesn't have to guess which letters you're typing. For would want to type swip to the right on "g h" key to insure that TP sees it as an H instead of G if you were to send something to Haggard, for example...

Does that help? Or am I missing something? I tried it on mine and with the default SMS program I was able to type a partial name and it would find them in the address book...