Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
So you don't know how to read? Is that it? You are here trying to pretend you know it all when you don't even know how to read?
That link on the Toshiba you posted is from some of the best hackers out there. It is only from the 5th, but it is saying they have had many requests to make a ROM for that Toshiba TG01. It also says they are not able to do it, and they are now asking for some help. So get your facts straight- there are plenty of owners of that TG01, and they have been asking for a ROM for quite some time, and the best hackers out there are having a hard time with it.
And jailbreaking does more than just allow you to install apps. Nice try, but you have no idea what you're talking about.
And yes, the g1000 had a huge community. It's an old phone, so I doubt it has a following now. But in its day, it was the best phone on the market and the first winmo phone with a qwerty.
And yes, if I had AT&T I would absolutely buy an LG Expo. Do you have a clue of what the phone is? You are an idiot if you are trying to say nobody cares about that phone. It has a snapdragon processor and a slide out qwerty, plus an attachable micro projector. It's the best winmo phone on the market in the USA right now.
And yes, the iPhone can be flashed with a different OS. You are an idiot for claiming othwerwise. Let me give you a link:
There you go moron. Totally proven wrong again. Your unbreakable security and doesn't need an antivirus Unix based OS already had a virus (on the iPhone) and people are flashing a totally different OS onto the iPhone too.
Now, go back to pretending you know something.
Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
I didn't forget what I said, I just forgot that you had no comprehension of what you read. Because if you could comprehend what you read, you would recall I also said Microsoft could start selling winmo devices directly to the public if they didn't want to cave in to the carriers demands.
Always nice when the idiots are the most vocal.
And don't tell me about secure when I posted a link to a virus that was spreading on the iPhone right after you said it was so secure.
Well, its time to close this bad boy down.
I though we were all adults here, No I'm not reading 36 pages @ 50 posts. I start where the reported start and toughed this bitch fest out until the end.
I've came to the conclusion that you guys don't really want to talk about anything intelligent in here any more you want to argue. Proof of fact is the user above's inability to post something intelligent with out belittling/name calling the user he is directing it towards.
That to me, makes your comments have less intellectual impact and well, if we got in to my personal opinion y'all wouldn't like me very much. If you want to come across as the more educated party and boast your intelligence, name calling to get your points across is by far the MOST ignorant way to do so. Yes i said ignorant, why? because there is no word in the English language that could possibly describe this better.
So now that Y'all feel better about swinging your junk in each others face for reasons I don't know.
I already marked this thread as my territory. I'ts time for you all to GTFO.
Thread Closed, K THX Bai!