i agree with both of you in that wm needs overhauling (see wp7) but also wm6.5 does not limit the average person buying a smartphone (in 2010+ more people will buy smartphones and do less with them then ever before except simply check facebook, email and basic browsing). HARDWARE (phones lack of cpu, program memory and internal storage) & CARRIERS limit smartphone users more than any phone OS does today.
remember carriers now force data plans on basic media phones... this means more dumb smartphone buyers
we all know WM6.x needs improving and wm6.5.3 missed the holiday deadline. none of this is particularly important long-term though, only makes for boring blogger fanboy debates.
Andoid is limited
WM6.x is limited
iPhone is limited (but easy for casuals)
Palm is limited (but easy for casuals)
Rim is now attracting casuals
we all see a pattern yet? marketshare is not a great indicator of anything either. iPhone might be the smallest marketshare (due to carrier & price restriction) in a few years yet the most profitable to carrier (att) and marketplace.
the better question is what will improve more substantially in late 2010 & 2011... android or windows phone?
you should hold off this conversation until next Monday when WP7 is said to be announced hopefully with some actual devices (although that seems more likely for summer)
Originally Posted by p-slim
Did someone just bring the dying palm OS into the conversation? I'm not even going to discuss them. Android will have them beat in marketshare soon and that will be a travesty. The only way winmo will succeed is if they completely redo their os'. I know you joined the conversation late but salty was saying winmo 6.5 is just as functional as the newer next gen OS's currently out. Yeah 6.5 can do the samethings even more but the average things every OS does everything 10x easier and in less steps