Here's what I am looking to do, if someone can tell me if this is the right thread (I swear on anything I read every single page):
I am a Verizon customer but sometimes in some rare instances (like my friend's cabin that we go to every year) AT&T works (I know because my friend's phone is AT&T) and my phone does not. I would like to buy a cheap-o prepaid AT&T SIM card (like $20 worth or something) and simply switch to that for the rare times I need to make a phone call and Verizon has no service but AT&T does. Does this thing in the OP get that job done? I simply switch to GSM mode and it will use the prepaid SIM card like I'm using an AT&T phone? (If this is the case, my phone number is obviously different when calling on the SIM card, right?)
Also, sometimes I visit family in Europe; a family that laughed at me when they bought me a SIM card for my phone and I didn't have a SIM port (most Verizon phones don't). When I go overseas to see them now, will this prepaid AT&T SIM card work? If not, will the SIM card they try handing me the next time work?
Thanks so much to whoever can answer me these idiotic questions of mine