Re: [FIX]: VZW: Flash OEM 6.5, SPL Lock and no texting
I have run into this issue multiple times when flashing the 6.5 ROM. I was getting tired of having to call Verizon each time. My process when flashing to a new ROM is to flash to a verizon stock ROM first. I found that each time I went directly to the 6.5 ROM I ended up getting the authentication error and had to call Verizon. I think I found a way around it however. I have found that if I flash the 6.1 Stock ROM and then go to the 6.5 ROM I do not have this issue. I have used this process at least 3 times and have not had the authentication issue. I know it takes more time to flash the 6.1 ROM first, but at least you don't have to call Verizon.