Originally Posted by accessing
Twisted, not that I really care, but I noticed that you cannot change the home wallpaper from the home tab. When I click on Menu>Home Wallpaper> Nothing happens from the options available. Can anyone confirm this? I can change the wallpaper from the album tab however, so again no big deal.
It works for me but sometimes I have to scroll over to another tab and then back. Also are you choosing wallpaper from the wallpaper file or from your storage card? Sometimes when you choose from a storage card it takes a long time to update on the page.
Update. I have decided to remove most of the transparent mods. I have noticed a spike in sense 2.5 performance since I removed them. Only a little hesitation when switching backgrounds. The whole things seems to work better. I think personally that it has improved wallpaper changing performance.
Also...............Start Menu and Settings Menu are completely reorganized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only 1 stupid little item that I am having trouble getting rid of. The TOOLS folder. I can't seem to locate the reg that keeps creating it. Every item that it was created for has been relocated so it's just an empty folder....................Oh well I'll find it..........
This next release may take a little longer........Gonna try to skin a few things.
And no.........It will not be real LOUD........just a little cooler looking than what it is...........Trust me when I'm done with it.........It will be an excellent base. Everyone should enjoy it.
Along with the next release I will make a Lite version as well.