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Old 01-22-2010, 08:12 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 21 09

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
Been running MaxDarkRoot all day with no issues at all.
No heating up or shutting down.
Yeah, thats like I said, for me, I think it was more of a signal issue. Worked fine all day today - outside of the hospital (and I just got a low battery warning, but I have been on my phone all afternoon). Mine only heats up when Its in a low signal area and yesterday was the first time it actually started shutting down.

But like I said, I don't think its an issue with your excellent ROM.

As for my setup, I have location services turned on and weather updates set to 12 hours. Thats pretty much it. No lumos or maxxbatt.

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