Originally Posted by littlej00
I'm using the OMJ HTC Sense 2.5 Windows Mobile 6.5.3 ROM ( http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=94369) on Telus with the WiFi router application that is cooked into the ROM and it works great. Like airborneaussie I didn't see any additional charges when I had it running. I had my iPod Touch connected while I was in a hospital without WiFi service and I transferred quite a bit of data. One thing I noticed though is that my Diamond got quite warm (must be because of running both the WiFi and cellular radios simultaneously) so it probably chews through the battery pretty quick.
Cool, I'm using the same ROM as well. So the Wifi router application makes your phone like a wireless router and you can connect your laptop near by to the internet wirelessly? And the "Internet Sharing" application is essentially the same thing but you need to plug in your phone to your laptop via USB in order to connect to the internet? Just making sure I have this right.