Originally Posted by Biggzz
Okay, a few times the question has been asked but no one has giving a direct answer....Do i have to change to a simply everything plan or can i keep my $15 a month data package?
check this site for plans they offer i do believe you can keep that if you just select "keep currrent plan" but if you get the everything 450 plan its lik $52 with the discount you get..
Originally Posted by lukevega
quick question...i am a new customer and ordered my phones and new plan this morning. i received a ticket number. is there anyway to check the status? i know i need to be patient...i was just wondering. oh yea, one more thing. am i screwed if i used firstnamelastname @ accenture.com and didn't put the "period" between firstnamelastname? thanks for any help.
yea that email is okay they dont care about a " . " and go to this website and enter the email adress you used to check status.
https://secure.bluefishwireless.net/...kets/index.cfm it was on page 16.. so read up alittle bit next time.