Originally Posted by rwcj63
i know this really isn't the right place to ask but since i saw you post, i'll ask anyway.
do you have any idea why installing a custom taskbar will break leo volume control?
i made a custom rom for my TP2 cdma using the ppckitchen and i added the leo volume control. it works perfectly until i install a taskbar. as soon as i do that, the leo volume controls are gone and the standard one is back (6.5.x version of winmo). if i uninstalled the taskbar, i get the leo volume controls back.
any suggestions would be great. thanks!!
It breaks because you are overwriting HTCVolumeControl.dll with an old version that is included in your custom taskbar. The leo version is using a newer that is required for it to work (as you found out). Use restorator 2007 (30 day trial) to pull the 3 icons from the taskbar's HTCVolumeControl.dll and put them in the leo's HTCVolumeControl.dll. It's pretty simple really. You just drag and drop them.