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Old 01-16-2010, 08:22 AM
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Re: Any help on where to turn would be great

Originally Posted by jaworthen View Post
I am by no means an expert, but my guess is that the BSB Ram Sweeper program may be the culprit, depending perhaps on how you have it set up with the whitelist. I have heard others state that CleanRam from HTC addicts can have undesirable effects on BlueTooth as well. I've never experienced that, however, and it is constantly updated and runs perfectly on my phone. I'd uninstall the other and then try it. Additionally, it is possible that your bluetooth device has a problem, and lastly, that the phone may be the issue. One way to test that would be to reflash back to stock, not install any software, and see if the problem exists. That would pretty much isolate it to either phone or bluetooth hardware. Hope you find a solution!
Thank you. Ram sweeper is gone. Problem with going back to stock is it is impossible to determine when it will happen, or if. It has happened so sporadically once the same day of flashing others days or weeks after.

something else I forgot to include, before MM's previous rom, I flashed to the new VZ 6.5 rom and hard reset, then flashed. so it has been back to stock 'recently'.
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