ALL 21889 ROM's are up for download!! Just posted the links for the 21889 Sense 2.5 Rom. I definitely think it's a little better than the last one
If your a fan of 6.5 and you are/were on one of my 21887 Rom's, please take a moment to upgrade as i feel these 21889 roms are alot better than the 21887 roms. Enjoy!!
Originally Posted by PropagandaX
I really like the 23518 rom. Here is some feedback and wishes.....nice job
I love the...themes, the ability to update online thru ftp, pandora, netflix, and the general feel of the rom. Thank you for not having the htc notifier when i click the taskbar so I can use the new WM dropdown
I had My phone (at a minimum) and Marketplace (if you can) and I wish your tsks and wallpapers came loaded on the rom but with the ftp that might be moot. I kind of wish the start menu was stock or the stuff reorganized a little, I have a hard time finding things and when you install stuff its goes into the base folder but I see I can reorganize with the REstart utiity (I know nit picky).
On the ftp I can see the list on the white pallet but I cant really click on the links. I can however click on the blank area below the links and access the links (they show up when i click the area) but only a few the rest are hidden outside of the pallet (I hope that makes sense).
I had your medium hill background on the today screen after i flashed but manila has a black background. I tried to find the image to add it to manilla but I cant find it.....
A few bugs on my install....
I found was at 11:02 last night the manilla clock showed 11:0 and then the top half of 1 and the bottom half of 2 in the right number position. Might just be a 2.5 thing or a random fluke.
Google Maps doesnt run, it prompts me to download an update (Looks like version 3.3.1). Now I have two links, one in the internet folder, one in the base folder (I think i can fix that restart). As you can see I am trying hard to find bugs and this is all I can come up with at the moment
A future wish if even feasible it would be really tight if a the rom came cleaner and your update feature allowed me to visit a page with a list cabs that I can multiselect and then install all of them...kind of like a kitchen on wheels...we can all have dreams.
Thanks for all the feedback
Yeah, i really dont' like myphone hence the no addition of it. Marketplace should be in the ROM's if i missed it on one sorry, but i thought i had it on all of them, i know for sure that it is in 21889 ROM's as i just cooked them last night. On the sense 2.5 ROM's, the icons get a little out of hand because Sense 2.5 places icons on the startmenu if you have the tab available, if you remove the tab, the icon goes away. Other than that, i just try to get all the icons off the start menu and into folders, so when you install software that you want, you can actually see it without scrolling down, and yes restart can organise your menu or you can just use good ol' file explorer. The white thing you mention on the updater ftp is an annoyance, i'm going to update it very soon, i was just trying to make something quick and easy at first. I know it doesn't fill the screen in landscape but it makes it easier to navigate with the arrow pad on the keyboard, just a hint. As far as manila backgrounds, i'm working on those now, i have all titanium ones done, but the manila themes present a little bit of a challenge, i made one yesterday, but when i installed the cab, it did not change manila background like i wanted, and i really don't want to use BG4All as it screws up landscape. The 11:02 thing happened to me too last night, odd, first time thats happened. Your Updater idea at the end is not a bad one, but it could pose risks of messing something up, if someone selects abunch of stuff at once and maybe not in the right order, and then they are like what?.... why did that not work?... And then it's like Dibbs, your updaters broke, lol. Anyways, i will be improving the Updater, i have a few very interesting and usefully additions i will be making.
Also all wallpapers you download automatically install to My Documents>My Wallpapers
Originally Posted by gigapimp
I am a NOOB how do i flash this ROM. Its looks great. Can someone point to a good tread. I have seen a lot of them, which is the easist.
You need to be unlocked (run HSPL unlocker from the stickied thread of the main CDMA Upgrade forum(and remember to thank Cmonex and Olipro)). Once you unlock your phone, just download one of my roms. It comes in RAR form (download winrar, if you don't have it to unRAR the files). Once you extract the RAR, just make sure your phone is synced to your computer and run the romupdateutility.exe and follow the prompts. It's pretty easy once you get used to it.
Originally Posted by wteviper
I have been trying to find a 2.5.1922 rom with WM 6.5.3 for a while that actually works and doesn't hang up constantly. Your ROM Kicks A**. I like that MMS worked immediately, I didn't have to mess with it at all. I love the speed and response.
I like that I didn't have disable the HTC menu dehancement (it sucks), and I like that I can use the win drop down on the top.
I loaded Max Manila 2.81 and it works great too, no lag unlike many other roms.
Thank You for a great rom and all your efforts.
If this rom stays as stable as it has been since last night I think I will not flash for quite a while!!! I have been flashing every other day or 2 - 3 times a day trying out all the new stuff that doesn't work quite right.
Thanks for trying my ROM and the nice compliments Ryan. I hope you continue to like it, And hopefully i will have a new 6.5.x build soon for everyone