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Old 01-14-2010, 04:53 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09

Originally Posted by sah0724 View Post
Installed this rom and everything works except the texting freezes up often. When I get a text and I click on it and read it, and when I text in the blank space it freezes up often.

Phone freezes during texting and the battery drains out fast!!

Need help.
I don't think its really freezing but it does do it for me on occasion. If I start or reply to a text message it will let me type until the first time I hit the space bar and then it stops inputting text until I tap in the text box with my finger. from there on out it does fine for the rest of the message.

I have also found out that the text program is slow in proportion to the number of texts that you have saved. Mine seems much slower if I have an inbox full of texts. Whenever I clean them out, things seem to speed up.

Sound similar?

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