Originally Posted by nomad_delta
I have synchronized many different WinMo devices running many different ROMs with many different Exchange servers (including Exchange 2000, 2003, and 2007) and have never encountered this behavior.
I configure my Exchange activesync connection manually after each flash (yeah, I've been meaning to learn sashimi or whatever...) -- how do you configure yours? I mean, the device doesn't even know about your server after a hard reset until you reconfigure it.
nomad, thanks for the reply. I configure mine manually, as you do.
So if you have calendar appointments that you set via outlook on PC, and then do a hard reset or flash a new ROM, the appointments will remain? It seems that they SHOULD, maybe they do. I have not figured out what is causing my appointments to disappear but first place I looked was the phone since I reset/flash it all the time..
I am on a TP2 on sprint with exchange 2003 server-side.