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Old 12-23-2007, 06:08 PM
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First of all, you don't even know me, so don't pretend to understand how I use my phone. I have no issues with my phone, because a) I pay attention to what the hell I'm doing, b) I find solutions to the few limitations I experience, c) I've spent 18 years in the "IT Field" beating the hell out of any technology that hits my hands. All three are clearly more than you were able to do while reading these posts.

Second, you need to pay more attention to what people are posting. I didn't say it didn't have ANY issues, I said the issues described above didn't match the issues of myself or normal people, and they certainly aren't consistent with a manufacturing issue.

Third, what the hell does memory have to do with the issue being discussed of GPS and/or Wifi overheating? Answer: Nada, Zilch, Zip, Nothing. You don't like the amount of RAM in it? Neither do I, but I use a task manager and problem solved. So why don't you try being helpful instead of part of the problem?

If you're going to flame someone, at least take the time to know who you're flaming, and try to discuss the issue at hand rather than making up new issues just to fake that you have a point, jackass.

Maybe the real problem is that you feel cheated for not having GPS, even though until the latest firmware upgrade, it was NOT a promised feature of the 6800-series with Sprint. If that's the case, you just proved that you don't pay very close attention to details, and you don't research very well. Since you ask, let me spell it out for you about the wireless overheating topic:

pflatlyne wrote:
Ive got one for you. The device overheats when you run the wifi with heavy traffic. All of the phones do it,but many people dont notice becuase they dont run the wifi with alot of trafic. Dont even try to tell me I shouldnt be running alot of trafic over wifi.

Forums are for conversations... do try to keep up. I can tell by your post count that you SHOULDN'T be all that new to the concept.
--Someday, bringing GoodThings2Life will become a Paradigm!--