There is a ROM of some sort, or mayhaps a taskbar where modder removed the battery widget from the taskbar. I'm not sure on what forum or anything (because i'm at work, and they just barely let me get paid to browse this website) but it is out there, and i bet the process is pretty similar to removing the clock. Worth looking into. Weapon, I'm sure with our combined powers we can figure it out.
May the power of the forces combine!
I was able to "remove" the battery from my taskbar (posted in Godzson's Custom APK's/Clocks/etc thread...) however that was simply .pngs that I rendered invisible. The clock is likely a .xml script that just needs a little editing... but which one...?
Well I am hungry. Im going to go grab some 'zoli and will start searching when I get back. Will post results.
I'll start tearing apart xml when I get home. I'm sure its in /system/framework
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