Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Originally Posted by nextpimp
GOOD 2 have you back TD!!! Hmmmm ... I thing you're right about the active sync issue. It works off the usb in my rom fine... but that may be because my tsk mgr is set to autoclose active sync. I NEED to clean my kitchen BAD!!! Good thing its organized the way i need it too be. CONGRATS on the ROM. Manila default background has been kick my @$$$
I have always had the USB to pc issue until I do the steps I listed. As far as the task manager is concerned. I was using Psyki's task manager but, it seems kinda sluggish so I switched back to the x2 task man.
Yeah default background is a pain in the a$$. I'm just glad that I found the solution for being able to switch them. Along with several other issues solved.
No I'm trying to figure out how to skin the phone canvas.....I'm about halfway there. Got the dialpad finished...Now it's just a matter of finding the other files I have to edit.