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Old 01-01-2010, 05:21 PM
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Re: [ROM]RootRom/DarkRoot/MaxDarkRoot 2.5/28011 - Dec 29 2009 and NinjaRom TF3D 2.1/2

Gotta tell you my friend, you have done a wonderful job! I have been running your Dusk Root Rom since the day you released it (which, btw, is the longest I have run a custom ROM) and all has been great! You have done well!
Battery life is great, SMS is very good. No problems sending or receiving but I have a small issue with text input skipping. Otherwise, the ROM is quite responsive and suits my everyday needs almost perfectly.

I'm getting the itchy ROM syndrome (IRS) though and feel like its time to do another dance and think I may try out the dark root max combo but everything is going so well that I may just stick with this one for a few more days and see what else you cook up new. I'm kinda hungry so I can't wait to see what else comes out of your kitchen.

Happy New Year!


Last edited by DaveTN; 01-01-2010 at 05:26 PM.
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