Originally Posted by Vosko
i'm liking 2.5 better already... looks normal compared to 2.1 lol
Yep and I plan on cleaning 2.5 up some more (simple black theme).
Originally Posted by noobynoob
Found one thing and not sure if its my phone or not. Did the flashdance 2x and am still not able to use the phone *dial out* I can recieve calls no prob and can call from withing contacts but not dialing new #'s. Bedtime......great work so far Mr. T.
BTW I sent you the *stuff*
It's not just your phone. I have the same issue. I just didn't notice until you said something. Currently looking for a different dialer and hopefully solve a couple of issues along with it. And BTW thanks for the stuff. Man that's some good stuff.
Originally Posted by nextpimp
LOL did you forget a semi-colon in the no messaging client package??!?! Five bucks says u did. I'm Glad you got it working. Ive had it working on com2 for a WHILE ... stepping up com com3+ caused TRAGEDY. Ive rebuilt from scratch about 5 times... Just trying to iron out some wrinkles. I THINK my kitchen should just drop SYS now. Kinda like caulks
Whatever you got just pm me the link if you want and I will continue to post it on the front page news. Everybody likes variety!!!!!