Originally Posted by Curb71
Im using the 6.1 rom and am having a problem with the phone while making a call. The Keypad and End Call buttons hide from me. Almost impossible to push them. I did a hard reset thinking it was a .cab I was using it didnt like and its back and I only have a few things installed. Here is a screetshot.
Originally Posted by Curb71
badboy8813 audio fix (full)
calkulins wm6.1 manila 2.1 contact card fix (and yes it didnt work even on 4.2 until I installed this)
diamond tweak 0.5.3
digicast solutions shopping cart 5.1
memmaid 2.3
galarm 2.3
googlemaps 3.3.1
mightyROM transparent email envelope
motweets 1.50
oldSAP sms purger 1.1
Touch_Incall_Screen_Tweek 1.2.0
Touchpal 3.5
TouchResponse 0.3.2
umm. ok it was a lil more than a few but I was wondering if anyone else has this problem before I hard reset and tried the phone after installing each cab one by one.
Originally Posted by MrObvious
It might be either the MightyROM envelope or the Touch_Incall_Screen_tweek 1.2.0.
That's because the dialer is WVGA ported to VGA. None of those things will affect the dialer position. MightyROM envelope is probably just manila files and TICST 1.2.0 is only an .exe that should have no effect on the position of the dialer. You need to make sure phcanvga.exe running on your phone. It re-positions the window so nothing gets cut off. It's already the Rhodium PhoneCanvas 3.40.35284.0 that Calkulin has in his kitchen. Make sure you have phcanvga.exe in \windows, a phcanvga.lnk in \Windows\StartUp, and that it is running (use fdc taskmanager to check). Sometimes I have had it mess up with the positioning, but be fine the next time after a soft reset.