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Old 12-16-2009, 10:45 AM
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Question regarding Emulators for the TP2

I have installed pocketSNES and PocketNesterPlus on my new TP2. Both emulators will install and bring up the main screen. The PocketSNES will not let me load a single rom. When I click on the "Load Rom" menu it does nothing. With PocketNester, I can load roms, but the display turns into a small flashing image in the upper left hand corner of the screen. When I pause the game, it goes to a better, full screen image, but as soon as I go to play it again, it goes back to the tiny unplayable image. I have done some research and maybe these emulators won't run on the TP2. I just assumed they would because they both run fine on my HTC Titan. I love to play NES and SNES games on my phone and would really appreciate a way to make this happen on the TP2. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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