Originally Posted by shaggylive
when you can find other o/s in devices like this then your argument sticks.
the fact is the only reason we have what we have now is due to business's buying winmobile for years. the first thing bb did was focus on enterprise server/software to tie into existing business networks, namely Microsoft. and since they had the first/best all-in-one phone busness's were willing to buy that extra equipment and licenses.
this whole argument about the ui is just that. the other o/s's were specifically designed with the u/i in mind. winmo has the architecture designed for corporate environments. I also believe this gets to the core of why were waiting for wm7. I suspect it's a completely different platform, hopefully making customization and programming easier.
Dude those products aren't running windows mobile, and if they are, its definitely not the same os in microsoft's mobile phone line.. They're running windows software built for the specific fields they're being used in. Your argument doesnt stick or make any sense. If you were to pay attention we're talking about the best mobile phone os and how microsoft's argument is their os is/was built for the "enterprise user." Lol who here has said apple has the best forklift os or that rim has the better bar-code scanner software. Fact is your statement speaks on two completely different subjects. We're talking specifically about mobile phone OS' not just how pretty they are. Take into account the usability and speed of the os not just how powerful or pretty(ui) it is.