To install the PRL that has been copied to your device, you need to do more than just dial ##775# and enter your MSL code. I tried this which brought me to an EPST screen which displayed a PRL > Update PRL Item with no entry in the Setting column. First time, I just selected "OK" from the lower right menu. An EPST window opened and told me to "Press ok to reset the device." I assumed that this would update to the PRL that I had copied to the device. After the reset, the PRL had not changed. I tried again but this time, I selected the Update PRL item and chose "Edit" from the lower right Menu. This opened a new screen that prompted me to enter a "Value" in the empty field. I selected the "Browse" button which opened a new window. A list of the PRLs on the device was displayed. In my case there was only the one 60611 PRL. I assume if I had more than one, I could choose whichever one I wanted. Anyway, I selected 60611 and it broght me back to the screen with the "Value" field which was now filled in with the location of the PRL: \My Documents\60611.prl. I selected OK from the lower left. This took me back to the EPST>PRL screen and now the Setting column was filled in with the same: \My Documents\60611.prl. I selected OK from the Menu and was asked to confirm that I wanted to "Update the items?" I clicked "Yes." After a few moments, I was prompted to "Press ok to reset the device." This time the PRL was updated to the latest PRL.
Anyway, this is how it worked for me. Originally, I was frustrated by the overly simplistic instructions that didn't mention the additional steps. Probably, the details I just provided are available elsewhere and the poster didn't think it was necessary to provide them here. I'm curious if others are able to update the PRL without doing the extra steps?
I left out the details about first copying the unzipped PRL file to your device's My Documents folder. Hopefully, you can figure that out. ~Dave