Originally Posted by pistol44
SPB backup users I have a question..
Updates to this rom are popping out almost weekly at times and my g/f will kill me if I have to make her sit and wait while I customize my phone over again from scratch.
When using SPB backup and attempting to do a restore say from R4 to R5 it will say something like its not the same rom so it puts me into upgrade mode. Anyone know if this is safe? Im worried I'd be over writting any new fixes/additions in R5 with the old R4.
How exactly are any of you using SPB backup when flashing to a new juicy rom? Ive been just manually restoring everything but I leave phone data unchecked worried that it will restore bugs from a previous rom onto a new one. Except that phone data is the part that saves hours of customizing.
I usually hit Custom Backup then choose PIM only. (bc there might be something new about the ROM I don't want to overwrite.) From The R3 - R5
however there has been small changes that i have been able to spot in the change log. enough to overwrite existing files. i know it can be tedious and time consuming but i been using spb backup for the last 4 devices and i am getting good about what to keep and what to get rid of. if your g/f hates waiting then it's all up to you. see what works best.