Originally Posted by janko10
My refurb just came in. I don't notice anything different but I didn't expect to.
8/29 build date, all version numbers are the same. Refurb says NO but it clearly is, has 283 calls on the timer and it looks like is has someone's teeth marks around the charge port. Has a nice big scratch across the screen too. I'm sending this POS back and keeping my original phone. I'd rather be stuck in 1x that have this POS.
That makes me angry. It's unacceptable for vzw to send you some used pos, considerinf there is a known manufacturing defect with the phone. You paid good money for a phone that was supposed to work properly and you still dont have that phone. See what you can do to get them to replace it with a new one. Let them knolw that the problem isn't your fault and out of your control. You shouldnt be penalized with a used phone.