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Old 11-12-2009, 10:11 AM
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Re: Best WiMo 6.5 ROM?

I ran NFS's rom for quite some time and never had any trouble with my exchange server.
I can't really comment on the amount of free memory since i am still kinda in shock from getting a new touch pro 2 (it runs really high on % memory used), but i dont remember my vogue ever running over 70 with a few apps open. Opera is usually the largest culprit for me and the NFSFAN version of opera is just the best.

Originally Posted by Giggles 312 View Post
Just posted this tutorial. check it out here.

1. Export stuff from Outlook
-File --> Import and Export --> Export to a file --> Comma Separated Values (DOS)
-Then Choose what you want to export. --> Save file wherever you heart desires.

2. Import on
-In Gmail go to contacts.
-Click Import
-Open the file and import.

3. Sync with Android
-If you didnt sync your gmail account with the phone at startup then just open gmail and sync.
-If your already synced with your gmail account your contacts should appear shortly.

and your done.
I realize he said he needed sms and call history too but if anybody else only wants to sync email, contacts, and calender you can use gmail just like an exchange server
Device: Sprint Touch Pro 2
ROM: The one with Windows 6.5.x
Programs: PocketIRC, Total Commander, Sprint Arcsoft MMS, Mocha FTP, GCzII, Groovemobile, Dotfred Taskmgr, Resco Radio, Kbd Controller, Explorer ext., Opera Mobile, Opera Mini 5, Skyfire, Bing, Azgard Tower defense, Palm Heros

Last edited by Masterface7; 11-12-2009 at 10:18 AM.