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Old 11-29-2007, 10:34 AM
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Lightbulb New OS in Q108 ROM release?

Does anyone think that the new ROM release in Q108 will included the the features as talked about below?
Microsoft shows next version of Windows Mobile behind closed doors
So we can't really delve into a lot of specifics, but today Microsoft showed off the next version of Windows Mobile at their annual Mobius conference. Nope, it's not Windows Mobile 7 / Photon, but what we saw "is an update, not an upgrade", was running on current hardware, and is due to manufacturers Q108. Our first impressions: very slick, and has a lot of features that just about any WinMo user will agree is way overdue. In other words, we're expecting users will be stoked -- no doubt about it. Expect specific details on features and the like in the near future, we wouldn't be surprised to hear more about it CES.
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