Originally Posted by makryger
I'd argue that bloatware is defined as preinstalled software on a device that most people will not use. I don't know the numbers, but I would guess that since all of verizon's extra software (VVM, Navigator, Mobile TV, CityID, etc.) all cost extra money per month, the majority of users will just let the software sit on their phone gathering dust. So I'd say all that stuff is bloatware, even if the Imagio is defined as a "Multimedia" phone. Now if the made Mobile TV Free, then its a whole different story- I'd use it a lot more often!
Personally, I'd never use any of those features (except maybe CityID - maybe), but I'm also the type to remove every .cod java file off his Blackberry except for the ones he uses, so I'm not a typical user. Neither are 99% of the people here, on hofo, or xda.
I simply think it's unfair to say "x phone is better than the Imagio because x phone doesn't have all the 'bloatware,'" when said "bloatware" is part of the phone's advertised purpose.
If you want to say the Droid has a better screen, go ahead, because the Droid
does use better screen technology (IMHO) than the Imagio. I'd love to have multi-touch, even in a limited capacity.
I don't like pre-installed software anymore than the next geek. The first thing I usually do with a phone or a computer is reformat and build things up from scratch to be the way I like them. But I'm also not most people. A person who buys the Imagio because it's a "multimedia/V-Cast" device is doing so because they want the software that's on there.