Restore stock recovery img? (unroot)
so i rooted the phone saturday, no issues. monday morn i flashed the new recovery image. cool. flashed modacos rom. thought everthing was cool. didnt realize until about 9pm that night i hadnt received a single text. tried calling my wife, and got a flood of about 20 texts. ok, weird. this morning, im testing the phone at work w/ a buddies iphone. i can send texts no problems. i only receive texts if a make a phone call, and about 20-30 sec into the call they all come flooding in. flashed my nandroid backup, same deal. hard reset phone and wiped my SD (after i backed up to PC), still having the same issue. im not blaming modacos rom for this, i just think my phone has fallen victim to HTC SMS bug. and so far numerous hard resets and reformats have not solved it.
anyway, i want to take the phone in to service tomorrow, to possibly get a replacement, but im afraid if they see the recovery image on there i may be screwed. how do i get the stock one back in there before i take it in (like the winmo relockers)?