Originally Posted by BikeSherry
My sprint HTC ppc 6900 was fully flashed but can't get internet or MMS's to work did see anything that would help me. I went into the ##777# and did the same as I did my Sprint PPC 6700 but it didn't help I keep getting a message that it is the wrong user and password. It is trying to start vision services. Do anyone know what I need to do to get it to stop go to vision services and I need to do so that I can get the internet and MMS's working on my phone. If you know what to do please help me so that I can get it working!!!!! I keep in contact with my little sister that is sick through the internet on my phone so I need it working!!!! Thanks, Sherry  
It sound like you have a couple of issues.. I can try to help, Please answer the following.
Did the internet and MMS just stop working?
Have you had cricket refresh those account features?
Are you using a custom ROM flashed on a Sprint unit?
Are you using any of the available MMS/WAP cabs.
For the vision stuff it sound like you have a program(s) that is calling that service. Now if you follow the following link and do not skip anything it will fix the Vision crap from trying to provision.