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Old 11-09-2009, 09:53 PM
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Re: DROID on the 6th... whos staying WinMo?

OK guys a little add to my review, The more I use it, the more I love it! I used the Google Nav (again 9.99 a month charge, and i bought the car dock) to drive from SE Missouri, to Des Moines today. 8 hour drive, and it worked FLAWLESS! I also got a lot of e-mails, and texts, and several calls while Naving. IT NEVER EVEN STUTTERED! This thing is a multitasking giant! when a call came in, I answered it, and the speakerphone is great! They heard me very clear, and the speaker volume was fine, and I heard them fine in a new Chevy cargo van going down the road it 78mph! It never skipped a beat, or lagged at all! I just thought I'd share!

P.S. I was even playing music through the headphone jack to the aux in on the Chevy radio!
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