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Old 11-07-2009, 01:29 AM
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32GB Touch Pro 2 <<< Yes I did it again.

Does anybody remember when I disected my HTC Touch, and Touch Pro and frankenstein it to hold SD 32GB of storage space? If you have, then you already know what you are about to see.

If anyone don't know what I am talking about, then here is the story. What I did is roll over the project from my previous HTC Touch and HTC Touch Pro to the HTC Touch Pro 2. It's a modded HTC Touch Pro 2 with regular size SDHC 32GB of storage space. I know..I's an expensive phone..blah..blah...heeheh Anyway here is the pictures.

I'm just having fun thats all. It's rough draft right now. I might do some clean up to make it look OEM, but I don't know...

32GB SDHC of Storage + Juicy R2 Rom = Unlimited of happy time
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