I am well aware of how MHz, cache, dual proc, die size, and etc afect processors. However my point was is my Axim is a great deal faster then my 6700, mogul and touch as far as speed goes. I think sprint has more of market then one might think for the kind of device I am refering to. Example Iphone bigger better screen faster then touch and yes this has to do with the unix based os. Just about every IT person and support personal has a pocket pc. Example I deal with support and I use my PPC alot for remote admin SQL Admin, the VGA and bigger screen works much better for this aswell as webrowsing, Video/DVD Playback, excel spreadsheets, viewing maps, and etc. As far as battery life the iphone is a prime example it is a sleek device that has a large screen and faster processor just not Mhz either and gets much better battery life then mogul and touch. I am a pocket pc person all the way however the Iphone does bring some advanteges to the smartphone platform.
Last edited by j10376; 11-24-2007 at 05:11 PM.