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Old 11-20-2007, 03:25 PM
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question about scrolling up and down

Either I have a problem with my touch or something is bad about the software about HTC Touchflo. The problem is when I scroll up or down with my finger on PEI, any app, or even browsing files, I cant stop the scroll from going too much. I dont know how many times I have past a part of a web page and had to go back because the scroll when too far. It there a way to slow it down or configure it. Is it just my touch? When I had the mogul and using Touchflo 1.4.1 it seemed so much smoother. And one last thing, is there a way to make the scroll feel more like picsel browser or is that what they call "kenetic flo"?

Last edited by djk1; 11-20-2007 at 03:32 PM.