Originally Posted by JQuill
Makes sense. Maybe I wasn't clear, I was expecting to have to resize the graphics in code rather than in photoshop which is why I asked so thank you. I'm pretty fluent with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, & PHP, and know a little bit of Java and AS3. I'm just trying to learn which programs to use and what language I'll be editing in, there seems to be no "go to" spot for that info so I've asked a couple peolpe and made this thread, all info is appreciated.
Ok, I'm glad you knew what to expect...sorry I misunderstood
. You can find quite a bit of info at XDA.
HERE's a good thread to start. 12aon is very knowledgeable. sztupy also started/developed many of the tools to decompile manila lua files. His website is
here. He put together a tutorial
here. Good luck!