Re: How to avoid inadvertent plan changes?
WOW! Weird I just had something similar happen to me. The other night my Diamond quit. No data or voice. I spent 2 hours on the phone with tech support and then ended up in a corp store the next day to get the phone fixed. Well somehow they did away with my super sweet $5 Unlimited Power Vision Data pack. I noticed it tonight when I went online to check my bill and had a $110 data charge. So I called Sprint and sure enough that data pack no longer exist. After some heated discussion they some how end up giving me an unlimited data pack for $2.50!! I hope it works out for you. Stay with it. They can discount current plans, no matter what they say. It's their fault and on them to take care of it for you.
"I am Mulhiny and I am a flasher"..wmdunn
"I am Mulhiny and I'm a phone junkie"..Riley