Originally Posted by I am M3
Hi there! I have the same problem, slightly worse. I have a Sprint Diamond, unlocked. Has SPL-0.57CMONEX. Device also has water damage. USB port works for charging but no data transfer/ActiveSync. I managed to set up a bluetooth ActiveSync connection and using WMDC on Vista.
Basically, I can only flash a ROM via internal storage, via bluetooth.
After flashing Calkulin's 6.5, having it successfully boot once, I'm now stuck on the HTC screen. I can enter bootloader/perform a hard reset/etc. It just won't boot. I don't have any other ROM files on my internal storage other than the one I flashed. Is there any possible way to put another ROM on the internal storage? And if not that, does anyone know if HTC will repair a water-damaged phone?
Oh and first post here, hi.  This is for my brother's phone, you can catch me at the XDA Dream forums. 
Inside the phone there is a piece of litmus paper. it changes color when it gets wet. this voids any replacement of the phone.
what I did to get around this...
My 10 year old daughter dropped her HTC Touch in the toilet... don't ask.
I opened the phone and removed the paper, then i "simulated" damage that made the phone appear to have been run over by a bus...
including a cracked screen and skid marks from a parking lot.
picture a grown man ice skating on a phone in a parking lot.
anyway $100 later they replaced the phone with a rebuilt touch as per our insurance agreement. they never asked about possible water damage.
Be careful if you attempt to do this in the near future as I have just read in a post that someone damaged their Diamond and it was replaced with a Touch. The insurance company felt this was an acceptable and equal replacement...