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Old 10-11-2009, 07:28 PM
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Re: New owner questions

Originally Posted by CovKid66 View Post
Okay, I was bored so I checked the Sprint site...if you are with Sprint, and I definitely see a battery gauge on the main taskbar...according to their pictures in the gallery. Can you post a picture of yours? Use something like Spb Screenshot if you don't have a screen capture tool.
Yes, there is a battery indicator on the top line of the phone, but it's pretty crude. I expected that if I tapped it, I'd be taken to a more comprehensive battery status display, but that's not the case. But you're right, it is there, and it does give some indication of battery status. Maybe that will be good enough for now.

Also, let me quickly say thanks to ALL for the assistance. I'll explore the several options that have been recommended.
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